Worship Assistant Instructions
Thank you for volunteering to serve on Sundays at St. John’s! We created this page, available only through a link, for those who have signed up to serve as:
The Worship & Music Committee has created this page to assist in knowing the “how-to’s” for those who are new, and also to serve as reminders for those who have been serving for a long time. We thank you all for your service. We could not do it without you. |
- Please arrive 10 minutes early to the worship service.
- Susan emails the entire bulletin for you on Fridays, but there is also a prepared bulletin for you in the Sacristy.
- Feel free to move the microphone so that your mouth and the microphone are at the same level. This helps more than you realize!
- Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the worship service.
- Please wear a nametag. Susan will make sure that there is a basket with nametags and markers out each Sunday.
- If there are 2 greeters, it is best if there is one greeter at each entrance (side office door and the main entrance doors).
- Welcome all people who enter, and feel free to introduce yourself—this will hopefully encourage visitors to introduce themselves to you.
- All visitors should receive a “welcome” gift—they are always displayed in the Great Room.
- Encourage visitors to stay after the service and also make sure that Pastor knows that they are here.
- Ushers should arrive 15 minutes early to service. One usher should be at the bottom of the stairs, passing out bulletins, and the other usher should be at the top of the stairs, assisting with seating.
- Bell is to be rung at 15 minutes to service, and the start of the service. Ushers are responsible for getting someone to do it, or they may do it themselves.
- We have created welcome gifts for people who are visiting. Anyone who is not a member is a visitor! Please offer the gifts if the Greeter has not done so.
- Our children’s bags are at both entrances of the sanctuary, please invite children to use them. Please let Susan know if they need some “cleaning” or new supplies.
- We have made name tags that label you as an usher, which also helps new people. They are in the red binder.
- We would like you to take a count for worship. The children’s time is a great time to do this.
- At the appropriate time, please come forward to collect the plates from the acolyte, and pass them through the pews for our offering. This is also a great time to make sure that the red information books are passed on to people as well.
- After bringing plates forward, ushers may go to the sides of the chancel and begin preparing the cup trays for communion.
- Assisting Ministers will be responsible for getting communion assistants; ushers will be responsible for getting cup assistants for the trays.
Assistant Ministers
- Please arrive 15 minutes early for the worship service.
- Please make sure that there are enough Communion Assistants for the service.
- Susan will send you a bulletin on Friday, but there will be a prepared bulletin for you in the Sacristy.
- Please review the “communion choreography” that is available here.
- After worship, Pastor will stand at the bottom of the stairs—as AM, please move to the center of the Great Room and greet people there. It assists with the line moving faster.
Communion Assistants
- You do not need to arrive any earlier to the service. But, do let the Assisting Minister know that you are here!
- Please review the “communion choreography” that is available here.
- If you have any questions, please ask Pastor or the AM before worship begins. You will find us in the Sacristy.
- Thank you for volunteering! We appreciate your assistance! Feedback received from visitors this past year is that our hospitality makes a difference!
- Please review the “hospitality guide and checklist” that is available here.
- Put on a robe!
- The bottom (hem) of the robe should be between your lower knee and ankle. It should never be below your ankle.
- The arms should be covered.
- Put your bulletin on your chair in the sanctuary, head back to the sacristy to wait for Pastor.
- Stand when it says to stand in the bulletin. Sit when it says to sit in the bulletin. Clue—When Pastor stands, usually you do, too.
- Light the candles. The timing can change on this. Pastor will direct you each Sunday.
- Take the offering.
- Take all three plates, stand in front of the altar table.
- The ushers will take the two top plates.
- At 8:15 a.m., you will stand and remain there with the extra large plate. At 10:30 a.m., you will go back to your seat. (The pastor and assisting minister will now set the table only.)
- When you receive the plates back, you may place them on the credence (side table closest to you) table and remain standing at your chair.
- Take Communion.
- You will start the line-up for communion. Please take your place at the spot.
- Once you have received communion, you may go sit down at your chair.
- Extinguish the candles.
- The timing can change on this, so once again, the Pastor will let you know when to extinguish the candles.