Sunday Mornings
9:15 to 10:15 am
Fellowship Hall
Sunday School returns with Rally Day on Sunday, September 8!
To register, click the link below and fill out the short form.
Class Details
Elementary Aged (Pre-K - Grade 6): Sunday School meets weekly each month. We do break split our students into two age-appropriate groups, Pre-K thru 2nd Grade and 3rd Grade - 6th Grade. The Prek-K - 2nd grade meet upstairs in the classrooms in our nursery school wing. The older students meet in the lower level classroom, across from the Adult Classroom and next to the Confirmation Classroom. Don't worry if you aren't sure where to go if you come to visit, WE WILL SHOW YOU THE WAY!
Middle School Aged (Grade 7 - 8): We hold our confirmation instruction during the Faith Formation hour. It is a two year program and open for all those students in grades 7-9 who are looking to learn more about “Being Lutheran” and to decide if they are ready to confirm the baptismal promises made for them. We do follow the same schedule as the Children's Sunday School Calendar (SEE BELOW).
Sr. High School Ages (Grade 9 - 12): We have a Sunday School Class for students who have completed Confirmation through 12th Grade. During Sunday Educational Hour we informally meet in the Youth Room to discuss faith topics, traversing life, and how their faith life gets interwoven in all parts of the larger world.