Outdoor Service Guidelines
St. John will offer an outdoor service as weather permits.
Planned Outdoor Services:
Sunday, November 8 - 10:00 am
Sunday, November 22 - 10:00 am
Weather permitting!
Announcements on any cancellations will be shared on Facebook and email the day before.
Below are the guidelines for our in-person worship services:
- Worshipers will be asked to bring their own lawn chairs. Seating locations will be marked for each party (members of a household who live together and therefore can be seated together) at a distance of at least 6 feet from other parties.
- If you have a pop-up canopy tent, we will be placing these on the periphery of our outside 'sanctuary' to provide more shaded seating.
- Parking ushers will direct traffic to available parking, below and above the area marked off for worship.
- Children present at the service should remain with their parents/guardians. Families with small children will be able to sit on the side of the seating space to give access to a larger area for roaming.
- Face coverings (covering nose and mouth) must be worn, except by those under two years old or those with breathing difficulties. This is a covenant we make with one another so that all will be able to feel safe.
- Individually packaged pre-filled Communion juice cups and wafers will be served to those desiring communion.
- There will be no congregational singing or loud unison speaking.
- The church building will not be accessible for bathroom use. We are exploring having a Porta-Potty available for use on the premises.
- The service will be taped. We will have a taped service available for those not able to be physically present.
- We welcome all healthy individuals who feel comfortable gathering in this manner; however, PLEASE STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK, OR THINK YOU MAY HAVE BEEN EXPOSED TO SOMEONE WITH COVID-19.
- There will be an in-kind collection of food items and dry goods. Specific lists will be published via eNews emails.
- The service will be recorded and shared via email on Sunday afternoon.