Racism and Racial Justice Discussions
The Advocacy Team at St. John will be hosting a book discussion to continue the conversation on racism and racial justice. Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist - by Eli Salsow Rising Out Of Hatred is the true story of a young man’s gradual moral transformation from one set of firmly instilled beliefs to another, even at tremendous personal loss. Pulitzer Prize winner journalist Eli Saslow is committed to telling a truthful and empathetic account of how a drastic change in environment can lead to considering and accepting new belief systems. The story reminds readers that the most effective way to encourage others to think in new ways is through prolonged and genuine engagement rather than simply exclusion. Our goal in this book discussion will be to understand better the current climate in America as well as to understand more fully one another. Further help for our discussing: Friday, September 25, at 10:00 am, on WHYY, 90.9 FM, Marty Maas-Coane will host a show that might give us good counsel as we engage in difficult discussions: CIVIL DIALOGUE: GETTING BEYOND THE SHOUTING MATCH - It's no secret that this year has been challenging and, at times, heartbreaking: The coronavirus, police brutality, election uncertainty and wildfires are just a few of the issues that we've had to navigate within the last few months alone. But your position on these events might not be the same as that of your friends or even your family. So how do you navigate discussing these fraught topics with people you disagree with? And can these discussions actually be meaningful and fruitful? |